Saturday, September 11, 2010

Reading Notes- Week 2

1) Computer Hardware

This was a nice overview for me. I was already familiar with most of the hardware that was mentioned here, but it is always nice to have a review.

2) Moore's Law

Now THIS was new to me! I had never heard of Moore's Law ever nor had I ever heard of Gordon E. Moore, so reading this was a lot of fun. I find it pretty amazing that in 1965, long before computers were seen in every household, Mr. Moore was able to make a prediction of this magnitude that continues to hold true today. From what I know about American history, computers were mostly only available to the government in the 1960's So the fact that Moore was able to predict in 1965 that the amount of transistors would double every year tells me that he had a good idea that computers would eventually become available for commercial use in the future. Interesting stuff!

3) Computer History Museum

Again, interesting stuff! Computers have had a long and fascinating history. "The History of the Internet" was also interesting. Imagine my surprise to find out that Al Gore didn't actually invent the Internet! LOL

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